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Produced by The HMS Courageous Association - 2023
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Welcome Tats. Good to have you back onboard. Have you found the Facebook Group? Most of the banter goes on in the Facebook group. If you're not already on it, send me a friend request and I'll invite you into the group. My Facebook profile name is Chas Cooke
Hi. I'm Brian 'Tats' Tattum. As far as I am aware, I was the baby of the boat when it decommissioned. I was a WEM(R) and worked with Dave Strutt and Micky Flitcroft in the Sonar Cab Space. However, I worked in Grumpy Corner, Foreplanesman and Senior Rates Messman. I had a previous affiliation with the boat, as my late mum married a previous Coxswain of the boat. I recognise a number of names and faces here and on the Facebook site, but never kept in touch with anyone. I have taken my boys down to the Boat and virtually ended up giving the tour lol, but it was great for the wife and my boys to see where I got my Dolphins and cut my teeth on subs. If anyone has more of the decommissioning pictures, there was one that used to be on the Courageous website with myself, Dave and Micky in the cab space. It would be amazing if that resurfaced as it is the only celluloid proof I was there lol. Thanks for having me here and hopefully will get to speak to some of you further down the line.
Hi. I'm Martin. It was my dad that served on the HMS Courageous This is CPO Cox'n Brian Densley, showing Princess Anne the controls of the submarine in 1972
I'm Chas Cooke. I started the HMS Courageous Association in 2000. Along with my good friend Steve Crowley, with whom I served, we run the Association, organise the reunions and keep the website and inline shop going. Please enjoy using the forums but remember, not everyone is as thick skinned as most submariners so please play nicely.